International Journal of Urologic History


International Journal of Urologic History is dedicated to the publication of scholarly works on the art, history, and culture of urology, its innovators, and the diseases they faced. We invite and encourage the submission of original works of discovery in the telling of urologic history, its preservation, and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the International Journal of Urologic History an Open Access journal?
    IJUH is published independently through a large group of volunteers, is peer reviewed, and relies on high quality writing. Distinct from other open access journals, we have zero submission fees.
  2. How much does it cost to having my article published?
    We are currently not requiring payment for publication.
  3. Will my article be listed on PubMed and Google Search?
    IJUH will be listed on PubMed, Google Search, and all standard search engines after the inaugural issue.
  4. How do I order reprints?
    As an online only journal, you will be forwarded your published article in pdf format. Each issue can be downloaded after it is published online.
  5. How do I subscribe to IJUH?
    Email the editors at editor@ijuh.org and ask to be placed on the mailing list.
  6. Is it possible to donate to IJUH to help defray costs?
    Currently IJUH is not accepting donations but we are eager to obtain additional volunteers. Please email editor@ijuh.org if you are willing to serve as an article reviewer, graphic designer, etc.
  7. What is the ISSN of the IJUH?
    The IJUH ISSN application is pending from the US Library of Congress


Urologic history, urology

Editor in Chief: John L. Phillips, MD
Journal Design: Akhil A. Saji, MD
DOI: 10.53101
US ISSN: 2769-2183